Trademark Application Fee
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植村 貴昭 この内容を書いた専門家 元審査官・弁理士 行政書士(取次資格有) 登録支援機関代表 |
Trademark Application Fee
(Clear accounting and easy to understand!! Make a quote to convince you).
(1)Domestic Patent Application Fee (Negotiable)
We recommend the basic pack fee.
The costs below are the costs of acquiring the most difficult trademark.
It is assumed that we have dealt many times with the Japan Patent Office (JPO).
In the case of an easy trademark, we offer a large reduction.
Trademark pack fee | 200,000 yen |
We will discount depending on the difficulty of individual projects. | |
◇Application fee to the JPO | 12,000 yen |
◇Registration fee with the JPO | 28,200 yen |
Includes 10 years of rights maintenance costs |
〈Breakdown of our fees〉
- Simple search of preceding trademarks and advice based on them
- Consulting on applications that are close to the business content
- Fees for various procedures of our office
- Fees for deal with notice of reasons for rejection (unlimited)
- Cost to the JPO (Application and Registration)
The above Fees are for 1 trademark and 1 category only, and the fee will increase as the number of categories increases.
In addition, if you cannot register, you will only have to pay the actual cost (10,000 – 20,000 yen for one category), and you will have the option of applying for another trademark again.
Please also refer to the separate application page at the bottom of the page below.
I’m not convinced, Sir.Examiner! Trial against decision of rejection of trademark
*However, this pack does not include the trial procedure fee and the Pre-trial procedure fee.
Preliminary Search and Consulting before application | 100,000 yen |
At the time of application | |
◇Our Fees | 200,000 yen |
◇Application fee to the JPO | 12,000 yen |
* If you request only the application, we will not conduct a preliminary search or consulting. | |
Deal with notice of reasons for rejection | |
◇Fee to submit a written opinion | 50,000 yen |
◇Fee to submit a written revision | 50,000 yen |
* There is a possibility of multiple times. | |
At the time of registration | |
◇Our Fees | 20,000 yen |
◇Registration fee with the JPO | 28,200 yen |
If you want to know the general flow, please refer to ↓ here.
©植村国際特許事務所 弁理士 植村貴昭